About Unique Ethnic by Rieke Indriyanti

About Unique Ethnic by Rieke Indriyanti

Rieke Indriyanti was born and raised in Indonesia. In 2019, she moved to Canada and is currently living in South Surrey BC. Her passion in ethnic fashion makes her work with Indonesian Artisan who make handmade batik fabric, batik silk and woven textiles. Batik is an Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth or silk with a traditional tool called “Canting”. This ancient technique originated from different places in Indonesia. Rieke gets her batik collections from West Java, called “Batik Cirebon”.

Not only does she have a passion for Batik fabric, Rieke also loves the Indonesian woven textiles. Indonesian weaving fabric or they call it “Kain Ikat” or “Kain Tenun”  is an art of the Indonesians making a textile by weaving different colors of threads. This is done with an old technology and traditional man-powered machines. She collects the woven blankets and outer wears from the most famous of areas in Indonesia that are known to produce these beautiful art pieces such as Sumba, Toraja, Lombok, Flores and many more. Her mission is to introduce this beautiful traditional method of batik, woven fabric, and silk to the world especially in Canada, also to preserve Indonesian batik and woven artisan culture.

About Batik

About Batik

Batik is a traditional Indonesian fabric that is made by wax-resist dyeing. It is a technique that has been used for centuries, and it has evolved. The word “batik” comes from the Javanese word “betek,” which means to write or draw.

The history of batik can be traced back to the early days of Indonesia when it was used as a form of writing on cloth or silk with ancient technique called canting, and it involved drawing patterns on the fabric with wax and then dyeing them in different colors.

The batik tradition has continued into modern times, with many people still using this earliest tradition to create beautiful art pieces.

About Ikat (Woven Fabric)

About Woven Fabric

Indonesian weaving fabric or they call “Kain Ikat” or “Kain Tenun”  is an art of Indonesians making a textile by weaving different colors of threads. The word “Ikat” means to “tie” or “bind” in the Indonesian language and describes the method of weaving that uses dyed yarns to produce different colored patterns, as well as the type of fabric made in this process. Ikat fabric is formed by binding individual yarns or bundles of yarns with a tight wrapping applied in the desired patterns. A characteristic of Ikat fabric is it appears blurry in its design. The situation happens because of the difficulty of the weaver lining up the dyed yarns so that the designs can come out perfect in the finished cloth.

This amazing art is made with old technology and traditional man-powered machines with zero waste. Like the making of Batik, to make Woven fabric the artist can take weeks to months to complete one piece.
